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Kyohei "Marlinpie" Lehr Shows Love to New Sponsor
By Unknown
Monday, December 23, 2013

CHICAGO, IL -- As influential community personalities and perpetual community college students take to social media to debate why the Fighting Game Community is unable to secure sponsorships from multimillion-dollar companies, a sponsored fighting game player took to the virtual airwaves to show everyone how it is done.
Kyohei "MarlinPie" Lehr, a sponsored fighting game community personality, hopped onto his channel recently to discuss the issues surrounding a recent high-stakes Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 money match between Loren "Fanatiq" Riley and Naoki "Nemo" Nemoto. During the broadcast, Mr. Lehr, who is sponsored by Brokentier, spent close to ten minutes extolling the virtues of The Steam Co., a "a vape shop, lounge, and eliquid brewery based out of Orange, Connecticut" and their products, encouraging viewers to use code [redacted] at checkout for 15% off their next order! Mr. Lehr went on to describe his love of The Steam Co.'s Reserve line of e-juices, favoring their "sophisticated oaky undertones" and "smooth flavors".
Brokentier was not mentioned by name during the broadcast to FGCNN's knowledge, aside from Mr. Lehr mentioning Paul "Koogy" Kugler, Brokentier's founder/lead designer/team manager/janitor and how Mr. Kugler had purchased the stream equipment that Mr. Lehr was using to broadcast to Twitch. Mr. Lehr added that it was "the first time I have ever used this stuff" while the video overlay featured a tiny Brokentier logo in the upper right-hand corner. Mr. Lehr followed up by displaying a "slide", or full-screen advertisement of The Steam Co., prominently displaying his checkout code and a photograph of a scantinly-clad Asian female. Mr. Lehr's Twitter profile does not currently identify him as being sponsored by Brokentier.
When approached for comment, Mr. Lehr asked an FGCNN intern if she had ever tried "e-cigs", and recommended she try some of the fine offerings from The Steam Co., using the code [redacted] for 15% off her order at checkout. Mr. Kugler was not asked for comment, but did say on his Twitter account that "marlinpie is better at advertising his ecig sponsor than me, hashtag biblethump".
Mr. Lehr remains sponsored by multiple companies despite not having played "for a year" by his own admission and going 0-2 in the inagural Capcom Cup, solidifying his status as the prototypical sponsored fighting game player. Only Loren "Fanatiq" Riley could surpass him in being a better representation of his title sponsor, but Mr. Riley is currently occupied with innovating his own new and exciting forms of content delivery.
Is Mr. Lehr the poster child for the ideal sponsored player? Should Mr. Kugler give Mr. Lehr a raise? Do you prefer the "Nightlife" or "Reserve" line of premium e-Liquids from The Steam Co.? Let us know in the comments below, and don't forget to use code "FGCNN" at checkout for Fifteen percent off your next order!
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this is good stuff.
lmao fucking hilarious
Thanks for sharing this post!!!
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