PhD from MIT Trolls Entire Fighting Game Community with Phony Lecture and Book

The first revelation comes in the form of hypocrisy for satire's sake. Both Maddy and Todd claim to be acting in the interest of feminism. Most would agree that one of the goals of feminism is to minimize the occurrence of overgeneralizing and typecasting, yet both of these individuals go out of their way to do just that, and feign surprise when people react negatively.
Readers familiar with "confirmation bias" will pick up immediately that Todd Harper only cited examples that fit his narratives, ignoring any examples of the contrary. Todd focuses on Cross Assault, a 2-year-old isolated incident involving a small handful of people, and then extrapolates this behavior to the rest of the community, professing that the behavior at this event is not only expected but encouraged, all while neglecting to mention that a much BIGGER and successful tournament has already run on his own school grounds with no issue. Apparently, he knew this all along.
One example from his "works" asserts that fighting gamers gravitated to consoles for economic reasons, ignoring the fact that, up until a few years ago, consoles were the only avenue for playing arcade-caliber ports of fighting games. Also not mentioned: the healthy PC fighting game scene stemming from when the technology was made available. FGCNN chalks this up as the most obvious ruse.
The final(and most revealing) sign of this elaborate hoax is on twitter, where Todd Harper flat out admits that he isn't actually making a worthwhile contribution to academia, but is merely "indulging a personal issue" with the FGC. Notice that, in the same thread, he refers to himself as a scholar. Utilizing your entire dissertation to make a small jab at a niche community that may have rubbed you the wrong way is one of the following:
A. Trolling at its finest
B. Sad and unfortunate
C. A waste of both the student and school's time
D. A curiously elaborate scheme to push an overpriced book
E. B, C & D
Analysts at FGCNN strongly believe that Todd Harper is doing A. Consider this: is one to believe that a socially maladjusted man compiled a suspiciously spotty thesis(which lacks proper research) on a subject he is ignorant about, then wrote an entire book on said subject and sold it for over 7 times the average price of a hardcover? Experts at FGCNN don't believe so.
What do our readers believe? Is this the greatest bamboozle of our time? Is Mr. Harper really serious about this works? Or are Todd and Maddy strawman feminists looking to insult a community while simultaneously claiming to NOT care what they think? Let us know in the comments below!